First, a news flash: writing is hard. I'm working on my WIP right now - except I'm not, I'm taking this tiny break to blog about how it's hard. The hard part is knowing how you want a scene to go, getting it *almost* there, and then pulling the words out of your brain to try to make it just that much better. It's a matter of degrees, but it's also a matter of the scene telling the story, or falling flat. Almost is a bad, bad word in this industry.
So, it's hard.
Secondly, I won a book!!!! I read about Suzanne Aruda's books on the Dorothy L (yes, it's for Dorothy L Sayers) list and my eyes bugged out of my head when I saw "mystery" "1920's" "Africa". It's my all time favorite setting - ever. Anything set in 1920's Africa (especially North Africa and India) makes me giddy, and if it's a mystery - all the better!!! And then, I popped over to Poe's Deadly Daughters where she was being interviewed and I won a book! Hooray!
I promised I'd review the book to hopefully get some more word out, and I might even do it on the right blog and on the right day! If so, I'll link you all from here, blog buds.
Also - The Office is back!!!! I believe my crush on Michael is well documented, so I'll just say I loved, loved, loved this episode and the addition of Holly remains brilliant. I feel like I have an ally in the office. ;)
Japanese Literature Challenge 18
4 weeks ago
September 26, 2008 at 7:13 PMOh my gosh!! Office = AMAZING. I'm so glad it's back... now all I have to wait for is LOST. :)
October 3, 2008 at 8:31 PMAnd thanks for the complement on my hair! I'm sooo glad I chopped it!!
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