I grabbed this from Savvy Verse and Wit because it looked like fun. If it looks like fun for you, too, grab it and leave me a comment so I can go read yours!
1. Hardback, trade paperback or mass market paperback?
Absolutely trade paperback! They are the perfect size and feel in my hands.
2. Barnes & Noble or Borders?
Barnes and Noble - they just plain have more books. Borders is too tall and airy where I live, and have less choices. And I like the kids' section better at B&N. And the 10% off. ;)
3. Bookmark or dog-ear?
Dog-ear - I have little ones who would steal a bookmark in a heartbeat.
4. Amazon or brick and mortar?
Both. I go to Barnes and Noble almost at least 2 or 3 times a week. It's a great outing with the kids. I may or may not buy a book at that time, but I always buy coffee.
However, they don't have nearly all the books I'm looking for. I read a lot of scholarly theology books, and they sometimes have one or two, but it's really inconsistent. Also, I've been burned on books that just look good. I like to go to Amazon and read the reviews and maybe he first page. And I'm from Seattle, so it's supporting my local economy. ;)
5. Alphabetize by author or alphabetize by title or random?
Or throw in a wicker basket next to my bed...
6. Keep, throw away, or sell?
Who throws away books?! I keep only a select few because I have severe space issues. So I either give away or sell or exchange on paperback swap or frugal reader.
7. Keep dust jacket or toss it?
I hate them, but I wouldn't throw them out, hence my love of trade paperbacks.
8. Read with dust jacket or remove it?
I usually leave them on and use the flap as a bookmark. Unless they get unwieldly.
9. Short story or novel?
I will let you in on a little secret. I hate short stories. I like the IDEA of short stories, but they are so often depressing or just weird, that I almost never read them. Exceptions made for the greats like Poe or Fitzgerald.
10. Harry Potter or Lemony Snicket?
Harry Potter!!!
11. Stop reading when tired or at chapter breaks?
I stop when a little person jumps on me or when my brain stops working.
12. "It was a dark and stormy night" or "Once upon a time"?
"It was a dark and stormy night" - both because I love atmospheric mysteries and because it opens one of my favorite books - A Wrinkle In Time.
13. Buy or borrow?
Buy. Borrowing is great in theory, but there's that pesky thing where you have to keep track of them and then return them to the library or they get really upset with you. Plus, I like to support my fellow authors.
14. New or used?
Depends on the book and how much I want the author to get sales.
15. Buying choice: book reviews, recommendations, or browse?
I like reviews and recommendations from bloggers - next I browse.
16. Tidy ending or cliffhanger?
Tidy, please!
17. Morning reading, afternoon reading, or nighttime reading?
Right before bed, unless it totally captivates me and then I read constantly!
18. Stand-alone or series?
Either, but I do love a good series.
19. Favorite series?
Elizabeth Peters' Amelia Peabody mystery series.
20. Favorite children's book?
The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe. Also, there is a beautiful children's book about Christmas called An Angel Remembers.
21. Favorite YA book?
Ooo, tough. I really liked A Northern Light.
22. Favorite book of which nobody else has heard?
Five Smooth Stones, by Ann Fairbairn.
23. Favorite books read last year?
St. Agnes Stand, The Diplomat's Wife, The Winter Queen,
24. Favorite books of all time? (not mentioned earlier)
The Great Gatsby, Pride and Prejudice, Wuthering Heights, Jane Eyre, The Age of Innocence, The Little Drummer Girl, The Harry Potter Books, The Historian, Possession, the Chronicles of Narnia and the Lord of the Rings Trilogy.
25. What are you reading right now?
The Cosgrove Report
26. What are you reading next?
The Collaborator of Betheleham
27. Favorite book to recommend to an eleven-year-old?
Madeleine L'Engle's Wrinkle in Time trilogy.
28. Favorite book to reread?
Pride & Prejudice
29. Do you ever smell books?
I do occasionally.
30. Do you ever read Primary source documents?
Yes, I do. I love research.
Japanese Literature Challenge 18
2 days ago
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